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In design in various size in accordance with their needs
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JASA KD ( Kiln Dry )

To the ability of boiler 5 tons and 5 chamber with capacity 125 m3 per chamber , so that able to achieve drought mc 6 % taken in 5 days .In this case intended to wood Albasia .To other species wood can also to process was completed drying and the time is different .


We, CV. Graha Papan Lestari, are from Indonesia which country is well-known with its richness of natural resources, especially woods. Our company is enganged in wood working with “Barecore” as our main product. Our production capacity up to 10 (ten) containers per month with barecore sized 13 mm x 1220 mm x 2440 mm using Indonesian  Albasia Wood. Beside China’s barecore, we also provide barecore in Japan standard, size by request with capacity up to 5 (five) containers per month. Our Company has trusted quality.